Vanilla Beans, Whole, 3 beans (Vanilla aromatica)
Wild Harvested

Vanilla Beans, Whole, 3 beans (Vanilla aromatica)

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  • Item Number: 428WA

Premium Vanilla Beans from Madagascar

The prized Vanilla orchid yields super tiny but highly valuable seeds which impart their distinctive, exquisite flavor to decadent desserts and all sorts of sweet treats. Experience our premium beans in a variety of ways: Make your own Vanilla pure 100% extract, blend with other warming spices such as Cinnamon and Cardamom for tea blends and dessert ideas; add dried beans to loose teas such as Rooibos and Green Tea for a natural, subtly sweet taste, and even use the leftover pods to make fragrant Vanilla sugar.

DID YOU KNOW: Vanilla is one of the world’s most expensive spices, second only to Spanish Saffron? And just like that spice, Vanilla is found in only a handful of countries and must be planted (in this case pollinated), picked, and processed mostly by hand?

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Suggested directions:

To make Vanilla extract: Slice open three vanilla beans and add them to 8 ounces of flavorless vodka or brandy. Cap the container tightly and place it in a cool dark place. Let it sit for at least 6 weeks, shaking the container periodically (of course, the longer it sits, the stronger the flavor).

100% Quality Assurance Guarantee

We want you to be completely satisfied with every purchase from us. If you are not 100% satisfied, please contact our customer service department within 30 days of receipt of your order for a prompt refund, credit or exchange (less shipping charges).

Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
22041ON Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
21172ON Vanilla Beans Vanilla planifolia Madagascar
20342ON Vanilla Beans Vanilla planifolia Madagascar
20262ON Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
19017ON Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
17296ON Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
16327ON Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
16224ON Vanilla Beans Madagascar
16173ON Vanilla Beans Madagascar
15139AG Vanilla Vanilla planifolia Madagascar
14259AG Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
11251MR Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica
10315MR Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica India
10069SF Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Guinea/Indonesia
09204SF Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica New Guinea/Indonesia
SF120108 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica New Guinea/Indonesia
SF102108 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica New Guinea/Indonesia
SE110507 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Ugandan
SE121505 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Ugandan
ZT122704 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
SE121003 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Ugandan
SE100103 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
SE012403 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
ZT112601 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
ZT092001 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
ZT073100 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
ZT051999 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
ZT083198 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
ZT050798 Vanilla Beans Vanilla aromatica Madagascar
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In-stock notification
  • Item Number: 428WA

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