Allspice, Whole, 4 oz (Eugenia pimenta)
Wild Harvested

Allspice, Whole, 4 oz (Eugenia pimenta)

  • Item Number: 013W4

A Zesty Digestive Spice

  • Promotes digestion
  • Culinary spice

The popular spice is used for more than just seasoning. The dried, aromatic berry of the Pimento tree, serves as a pleasant-tasting digestive aid and as a delightful flavoring agent for bitter medicinal teas and herbal laxatives.

With a unique taste reminiscent of cinnamon, cloves & nutmeg, Allspice is the popular Caribbean seasoning used in Jamaican Jerk. Its warm, sweet flavor enhances savory dishes as well.

COMMON NAMES: Allspice, Pimento.

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Common use:

Aromatic culinary spice; promotes digestion; improves taste to medicinal herbal preparations.

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Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
20354OC Allspice Eugenia pimenta Guatemala
20353OC Allspice Eugenia pimenta United States
19182GB Allspice Eugenia pimenta Honduras
18074GB Allspice Eugenia pimenta
17200GB Allspice Eugenia pimenta Honduras
16183GB Allspice Eugenia pimenta Honduras
14325GB Allspice Eugenia pimenta Guatemala
11243GB Allspice Eugenia pimenta
11213WH Allspice Eugenia pimenta Guatemala
SW071706 Allspice Eugenia pimenta
SW071406 Allspice Eugenia pimenta
GB062705 Allspice Eugenia pimenta
WH022397 Allspice Eugenia pimenta
HB092396 Allspice Eugenia pimenta
  • Item Number: 013W4

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