Kelp Powder, Organic, 16 oz (Ascophyllum nodosum)
Organic Organic

Kelp Powder, Organic, 16 oz (Ascophyllum nodosum)

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  • Item Number: 228RP16

Herbal Thyroid and Metabolism Support

  • Herbal iodine source
  • Supports thyroid function

Kelp is a gift from the ocean that provides iodine and important minerals and sea nutrients. Unlock the secrets to a healthier, more beautiful you with the amazing seaweed! Kelp supports thyroid and glandular health, raises energy levels, and promotes healthy hair, skin, and nails. Try this amazing seaweed in vegetable juice, soups or add to your own custom super green food blend.

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Common use:

Supports healthy thyroid function; cellulite elimination support; relieves occasional constipation; supports heavy metal detoxification.

Suggested directions:

Not recommended in case of hyperthyroidism. This product naturally contains iodine and is harvested from the sea. It may cause a serious reaction in persons with allergies to fish and/or shellfish.

100% Quality Assurance Guarantee

We want you to be completely satisfied with every purchase from us. If you are not 100% satisfied, please contact our customer service department within 30 days of receipt of your order for a prompt refund, credit or exchange (less shipping charges).

Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
24163SW Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
23102WH Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
20097MB Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum
18093WH Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
17121WH Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
16251MB Kelp Granules Ascophyllum nodosum United States
16050WH Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum
15307WH Kelp Fucus versiculosis Canada
15168MB Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum United States/Atlantic Ocean
14206SW Kelp Fucus vesiculosus Canada
13337SW Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
12044WH Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
11235HB Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
11095HB Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
10251HB Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
10014HB Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
SF012709 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum France
HB032708 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
SF071607 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum
MB051206 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum
HB032806 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
HB081505 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
HB040705 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
HB101404 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
HB012004 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
HB012004 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
HB111703 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum
HB072902 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
SF121801 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum
HB070301 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum Canada
SF120299 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum
SF030999 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum
SF050698 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum
SW021298 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum
HB122297 Kelp Ascophyllum nodosum
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In-stock notification
  • Item Number: 228RP16

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